Budgeting & Forecasting
The 'Budgeting' foundation app allows the budget manager to issue budgets to the budget holder. These can be blank for zero based budgeting or based on the previous year budget or actual performance with an uplift (or lowering) as required. Budget holders can submit their budget for review and on approval the figures are automatically updated in the accounting software. The process is customisable, so you can use the process builder to configure this as required.
Budgeting & Forecasting Enterprise Suite
As well as incorporating the budget entry app, the enterprise suite includes a set of dashboards and reports to help you review the budget and make forecasts based on changing parameters.
The budget management dashboard is used to issue new budgets and monitor their progress
The budget can be reviewed in various reports
and interactive dashboards
Forecasts can be adjusted based on changing parameters
As the budget figures are held within the main accounting software, you can either use the tools available to that software to do actual v budget reporting, or make this data available to the UniFi BI tools in order to use those to do these types of reports from UniFi as well.