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Reference Data Upload

This allows you to take data in an Excel spreadsheet and send that data to a reference data table in UniFi. In order to do this you will need to obtain the reference table 'ID' for the data you wish to upload. You can get this by selecting the reference table in UniFi and looking at the URL. The sequence of characters after 'referencedata/' up to the question mark is what you need, as in the example below.

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Copy and paste the relevant text into a cell on the Excel spreadsheet.

You will also need to create a table containing the data you wish to upload. Column headers should correspond to the field ID of the data you are uploading, usually this will just be a lower case version of the field description with spaces and special characters replaced with underscores. However, you can always check the correct values in UniFi by clicking the 'Design' option of the table you are uploading to and viewing the field ID's from here.

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All reference data tables have a special field called 'key', referred to as 'Primary Key' in the main UniFi user interface. This is a unique identifier for each record, if this data isn't entered then UniFi will create its own unique reference here. If you want to update existing records rather than create new ones then included the key in the upload and this will amend existing records that have this key, or create new records where the key doesn't exist.

In the example below, the reference data ID is in field B3 and the table to be uploaded begins in cell A6. The formatting can be whatever you like this does not affect the upload. Cell B1 has been set aside as a place to store the settings.

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We are now ready to create the upload - to do this select 'UniFi' from the Excel ribbon and click the 'Reference Data Upload' icon. Its now a matter of mapping the relevant pieces of data to the cells that contains them. You can do this either by entering the cell reference into the relevant field or click on the relevant cell in Excel and then click the '<' icon next to the box to update that field with the currently selected cell reference. Once done you can click the button to send the data to UniFi and save the settings in the selected cell.

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You can now re-use the same settings either by double-clicking on the cell you saved them in (in this example B1), or by selecting that cell and then clicking on the 'Reference Data Upload' option in the Excel ribbon.

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UniFi stores time data as the GMT / UTC value so if you are uploading to a date-time field you may need to adjust the value being sent if you are in a different time zone or in British Summer Time.